Some of you may already be aware that there are changes afoot! I have recently bought a property in rural western Hungary close to the borders of Croatia and Slovenia. I will be taking my slave, dogs and horses and enjoying the peace and tranquillity of this beautiful country. The property has 5 acres of land, outbuildings and a barn and therefore may be able to be used for sessions in the future for those of you able to travel.
I will however be continuing to visit the UK on a regular basis and conduct sessions from my usual residence in Derby. I will advertise my dates and availability via Twitter and also on this blog. This will enable you to be able to book sessions for the periods that I am in the UK. I will still be undertaking distance domination sessions via email, Skype, phone etc.
So for those of you who visit me for sessions please keep an eye out for my dates for UK sessions – I’m hoping to visit every 5 weeks for around a week (but obviously this will depend on covid restrictions for the short term.) For those of you interested in distance domination do contact me and we can get something arranged
My village in Hungary!