Another Belated HNY!

I’ve just realised that it’s been two years since I’ve updated this blog! I’m really not sure where the time has gone, but hasten to say I’ve been very busy enjoying sessions and life.
2024 is my 18th year as a professional Dominatrix and Disciplinarian, and I continue to enjoy each and every session with both my regular and new visitors alike.

I don’t have any particular plans for 2024 – inevitably if I do plan then life will get in the way! I do intend to take a few breaks again to who knows where. Last year saw visits to Latvia, Poland and Spain….Finland and Norway are on my radar for Spring.

I’d like to take this opportunity to wish anyone reading a great 2024. Enjoy your life as much as you are able, and keep enjoying BDSM and your fetishes which make you so unique.

Liza x