As previously discussed on my blog, I have been living in rural Hungary since last October. I moved here with three horses, two dogs and a slave and have been having a relaxing time walking and riding in the forests and enjoying good food and culture.
As you may recall the original plan was to travel back to Derby for real life sessions on a regular basis. Obviously due to Covid restrictions this hasn’t been possible, however I have been undertaking distance domination sessions via phone, Skype and email which are very enjoyable.
But…change is afoot! Much as I appreciate my lifestyle here I’ve decided that at this time in my life I need more…and that means more femdom! So I am moving back to the U.K. on a full-time basis. I will be travelling back in a few weeks and will therefore be resuming real time sessions from around 19th April. I look forward to getting my hands and implements on my slaves, submissives, masochists and fetishists once again. I will still be undertaking distance sessions for those unable to visit in person.
All my regular visitors are welcome to contact me via your usual methods. If you wish to arrange a session and haven’t visited before please contact me via the form on my site.
I’m looking forward to being back on my home turf once more doing what I love so much. I have after all been a professional for 15 years on April 26th and plan on many more years to come!