The sky was a glorious blue with not a cloud in sight. The sun had awoken him as it streamed through the bars of his stone cell.The automatic lock had already opened the door as he had work to do in the adjoining stable. His chastity device jingled as he rose from his wooden bench and it’s simple covering of a coarse grey blanket. He was naked as he had been since finding himself at this establishment six months ago.He went outside and saw the mist gradually retreating to the river as the sun bore down on it. Today will be hot he thought and he allowed himself a smile as he thought of other hot days many years ago when he and his girlfriend had swum and sunbathed nude wherever and whenever they could. He went into the stable where the Domina’s perfect Icelandic Horse was awaiting his attentions and looking directly at him almost through him. Could it really know that it was superior to him?He set about his task immediately. He remembered his instructions from the previous evening delivered in the Domina’s normal curt tones but tones that he lived to obey. “Fed perfectly groomed my best saddle and tack polished to perfection and ready for me to leave at 8am. Even just one omission and you’ll be tied to the Rings and whipped on my return.” He shuddered at the thought of the two gleaming black iron rings affixed to the stone wall decades ago so that animals could be tied to them. His first job had been to wire brush undercoat and then two coats of gloss black. Little had he known that he would be the next animal to be acquainted with them.

He was pleased with the finish he had achieved on the various items of leather and set about brushing the Horse to achieve a similar shine. The distinctive thick mane responded to his effort which saw beads of perspiration forming on his face chest and back. The same back that the Domina had whipped 100 times in her expensively and fully equipped studio on the first floor of the House only 10 days previously leaving marks that were only just starting to disappear. He bent down to apply hoof oil as the final task. Having done so he walked round his charge for one last time. Yes this animal is now perfect to take the Domina where she wants to go. He knew that Liza would be perfectly dressed for her ride with not a hair out of place and he hoped his work would be the perfect compliment to her. The chiming of the Church clock brought him back to reality. As the first stroke sounded from the village the House door opened and he heard measured steps coming towards him.His training made sure that he his eyes were looking at the floor . He could see however that She was wearing handmade leather riding boots with skin tight white jodhpurs which he knew had been made to measure by a Royal Warrant holder in a nearby town. He wanted to see more. To see just above her knees wasn’t enough he wanted the full elegant picture that he knew was circulating in front of him. Against all his training and his better judgement he looked up just as the Domina was examining his work on the hooves. Their eyes met.Having completed one tour in silence She commenced a second.Her horse shook its head and pulled on its bridle which he was holding no doubt anxious to be gone. Liza was annoyed. She wanted to find something wrong but couldn’t. Of course She didn’t need an excuse to whip his lovely broad back and slim buttocks but today She’d prefer to find one. As She straightened up from checking the hooves for the second time their eyes met
“Very well” she remarked. “This grooming is first class. However you are aware that you must await my permission before you can look at me or any part of me. Am I not correct?”“Yes Ma’am” he replied his mouth already dry. “Hands!” He cupped his hands so that She could use them as a step and having done so she swung her toned thighs over and sat perfectly in the saddle. “Rings and face the wall” He walked the few steps and stretched out his arms so that his wrists were adjacent to each one. She motioned the horse behind him reached down and used the attached leather buckles to complete his bondage.“I’ve no idea how long I shall be” Liza said “But your whipping will commence 2 minutes after you first hear hooves in the stable yard. As 100 strokes hasn’t had any effect it’s bound to be more isn’t it?” The click clack died away and silence reigned. He knew it would only be broken by the sound of Her kangaroo hide whip kissing his back and screams which She would no doubt elicit from him sooner or later.